Get instant answers from your matter

Matter AI intelligently examines your LEAP matter, delivering immediate answers and insights to save time and improve efficiency. Ask it anything.

matterai chat - criminal - Legal AI
matterai scan animation - Legal AI

Find answers within your matter

Chat with Matter AI to instantly access insights and information directly from your LEAP matter details, correspondence, critical dates and appointments.

Leveraging cutting-edge legal AI algorithms, Matter AI analyses all the intricate details within your matter, enabling you to streamline your workflow and deliver exceptional legal counsel to your clients.

Matter AI - Legal AI

Reduce time searching

Matter AI quickly searches contacts, critical dates, and appointments in your matter. It scans documents, emails, attachments and performs OCR on images, PDFs and handwritten notes. From 10 to 10,000+ documents, it provides a detailed response with references to the specific files in seconds.

LEAP's Matter AI helps lawyers eliminate manual searches, improving law firm productivity and efficiency with advanced legal AI tools.

Easily draft documents

Ask Matter AI to create any document you need - email, letter, affidavit, and more. Easily copy to clipboard or regenerate with additional questions.

Send draft emails directly to Microsoft Outlook

Matter AI uses advanced legal AI to instantly generate customised, professional emails and documents based on your matter details.

Send drafts to Microsoft Outlook with the recipient’s email, subject and body of the email pre-populated.

MatterAI - Compare documents - Legal AI

Compare multiple documents and folders

Manual comparison is time-consuming and prone to human error. Select one or more documents from your matter and let Matter AI analyse them to find differences and inconsistencies.

It can even identify your LEAP matters folder structure. Simply ask it to summarise the contents of an entire folder.

Matter AI empowers faster, smarter work, allowing you to focus on what matters most, serving your clients.

How it works in LEAP

  1. Start a New Chat
    Start a new chat about the matter or specific document(s).

  2. Documents referenced
    Documents used to formulate the answer are referenced by Matter AI, simply click to preview.

  3. Suggested questions
    Matter-based suggested questions are provided to assist every inquiry.

  4. Chat History
    User-based history to revisit previous conversations.

"Matter AI simplifies finding important information within your matter in a matter of seconds. It also provides the source with a link to the document saving me time to spend on more valuable fee earning tasks."
Ryan Dormer | Nelson Guest and Partners
"Since we adopted Matter AI, our processes have become significantly more efficient. The tool's ability to produce basic analyses and chronologies has saved us a considerable amount of time, especially during initial assessments, allowing us"
Ryan Dormer | Nelson Guest and Partners

Since we adopted Matter AI, our processes have become significantly more efficient. The tool's ability to produce basic analyses and chronologies has saved us a considerable amount of time, especially ... show more

Matthew Clark

Managing Director - Cardium Law

Our firm primarily operates on a fixed fee model, which allows us to provide transparent and predictable pricing for our clients. This approach not only enhances client satisfaction but also encourage ... show more

Rebecca Mignogla

Director - Arcadia Law

AutoTime has significantly streamlined the time-recording process for our firm, saving us valuable time. Its primary benefit is the ability to calculate the actual time spent on a matter, which enhanc ... show more



AutoTime has effectively addressed several challenges we faced in managing our processes. One of the primary issues it solves is the difficulty of monitoring fixed fees, particularly in residential co ... show more

Mark Sadler

Solicitor - Kenneth Rowe & Elliot

Our primary focus at the firm is residential conveyancing, a sector where we operate predominantly on a fixed fee basis. This model not only allows us to provide clear and predictable pricing to our c ... show more

Lorretta Coulson

Practice and Compliance Manager - Michael Cook Law

Our firm undertakes both Legal Aid and Private work, allowing us to serve a diverse client base with varying needs. In our Private work, we frequently employ a fixed fee structure, which has made it c ... show more



Matter AI is included with LEAP

Improve your practice with Matter AI - Whether you're a solo practitioner or part of a large firm, Matter AI will enhance the quality of your work, increase productivity, and boost profitability.

This allows you to focus on what matters most — delivering exceptional service to your clients.

From your LEAP matter you can ask Matter AI to:

  • Check matter details, critical dates and appointments

  • Draft emails and send them directly to Microsoft Outlook

  • Draft documents

  • Summarise documents and folders

  • Compare multiple documents for discrepancies

  • Extract key terms and concepts from documents

  • Analyse financial transactions

  • Provide a chronology

Unlock the power of LEAP's Matter AI for law firms today.